Handbells-Michele Moore, Director
Music is a vital and meaningful component of worship at Linn Church. We have many accomplished professional and volunteer musicians who enhance our worship experience. Our handbell choir is a wonderful way to share your love of music and participate in worship. Our choir consists of 3 octaves of Malmark bells and 3 octaves of chimes. We welcome participants from 9th grade to adult to join. Previous bell experience is not required though basic music reading skills are helpful. We rehearse weekly and ring about once a month in worship. We hope our music ministry helps you connect to your spirituality in a deep and meaningful way.

Men's Canticle Singers-
Carl Rathmann, Director
The Linn Presbyterian Church Men’s Canticle Singers participate in worship several times a year, usually on every fifth Sunday. It consists of about a dozen voices singing selections of sacred choral music, often well-known hymns dear to the hearts of the congregation. The group has been in existence for several years, and the members’ vocal abilities run the gamut from trained voices to those who just find joy in lifting their voices and making “a joyful noise to the Lord”. There are no auditions and all men are welcome to be part of this ministry.

Laura Hodges
Karen Van Den Elzen
Karen Larvick